Clinton Liebrary Book 2001 Edition 

(Reserve/Order Now for 2016 Reading)

(From the Archives of the Clinton Liebrary

Larger version, click image above or here.

What's "in the book"?  Click here for info.

2016 Summer Reading

 50 Shades of War on Women 

To reserve/order a copy of the 2001 Edition of the Clinton Liebrary Book, click here.  For larger, un-cropped version of image above, click here.   


  Hillary Clinton Leading Charge in Start of War on Women in 1997 

(50 Shades of Gray Scale in War on Women)


For a larger image of the front cover, click here or to view the back cover, click here.

The now- out-of-print 2001 Edition of the Clinton Liebrary Book will soon be available via a second printing to meet new demands (especially by Millennials who've undergone  METUGRICUNA.) 

To view uncropped, larger version of image above, click the image or click here.  METUGRICUNAs have learned "How a Woman Can Be Naked But Not Afraid."  


Hillary Clinton Gun Control Campaign

Campus Dildo Carry #CampusDildoCarry

Cocks Not Glocks #CocksNotGlocks

Cold Dead Hand #ColdDeadHands


National Dildo Association (NDA)


Hillary Clinton & Bernie Sanders on Guns:

Why Bill Clinton never learned Gun Control:



 Hillary's 2015 Campaign Ad for Sexual-Assault Victims' "Right to be Believed"

Kathleen Willey -- Response to Hillary's Claim of Advocacy for Sexual-Assault Victims:

  Scroll-up for Hillary's Video about Sexual-Assault Victims' "Right to be believed"

Hillary's Campaign 2016 Platform Regarding Sexual-Assault Victims:

To Bill's sexual-assault victims:  You have a right to shutup and accept his denial.

Bill Clinton to Kathleen Willey (while groping her breasts in the Oval Office):  I'm only gonna say this one more time, Ms. Willey, I am NOT fondling your gorgeous, perky and firm breasts, and if you were to say otherwise, you do NOT have a "right to be believed" as will be advocated by Hillary Clinton in 2015 on behalf of victims of sexual assault; instead, as a person who will later describe this incident as a sexual assault by me upon you, an important corollary to Hillary's "right to be believed" advocacy is applicable to you -- i.e., you have a right to shutup and accept my denial.


In support of Hillary's Campaign 2016 assertion of sexual-assault victims' "right to be believed" in support of Hillary's claims that Republicans wage a WAR on WOMEN, Bill Clinton explains the difference between the Republicans' "WAR on WOMEN" and a "war ON women" ... 


... AND, regarding Kathleen Willey's mocking of Hillary's claim of support for sexual-assault victims' "right to be believed," Bill says:  "I'm only gonna say this one more time -- I did NOT fondle Kathleen Willey's gorgeous, perky and firm breasts when she was in the Oval Office with me as an unpaid volunteer."




Spinning Hillary 2016
Is Hillary Fully Exposed by Her Spinning?
She's done the heavy lifting but still needs support

Spinning Hillary 2016
Is Hillary Fully Exposed by Her Spinning?

She's done the heavy lifting but still needs support

Which way will/does Hillary spin?
To the Left (Lefty-Loosey/Counter-Clockwise)?
To the Right?  (Righty-Tighty/Clockwise)?  
It depends on your perception. (Or does it?)



 Bill Clinton's 
Greatest Speech:

Deep Throat Mark Felt:


For larger, un-cropped version of image above, click here.


What's the difference between a "War on Women" and a "war On women"? 

Scroll further down or click here.




Front Cover of 2001 Edition of the Clinton Liebrary Book:


Back Cover of 2001 Edition of the Clinton Liebrary Book:



For larger version of image above, click the image or click here.


Hillary & Bill Clinton Dueling Memoirs

(As Written in 2001)

Clinton Pardons:   
McDougal-- Yes!; Hubbel-- No!:









·Global Web Solutions, Inc.·









·Global Web Solutions, Inc.·


 Hillary's Three Reasons for Running

Hillary & Barack, The Movie:


Bosses Don't Give "Job"-- Interns Do Scar Warts, Episode VII

For larger image & rest of the 
story, click image or here.

For larger image, click image above
or click here.


Difference between War on Women and war On women?


News:  Medicare Penis-Pumps Inflation 

 News:  Orgasm-Devices for Women 

For larger version, click image or here.

March 5, 2014 11:59 PM  – Scientists have patented a new machine to provide orgasms for women at the push of a button. A little smaller than a packet of cigarettes, the machine uses electrodes to trigger an orgasm.  (More)


Bill Clinton Foresaw Scientific Evidence 
of Dangers of "Gal on Top" Sex-Position

(For larger version, click image above)

(For larger version, click image above)


 The links to reserve/order a copy of the 2001 Edition of the Clinton Liebrary Book will be posted here soon.  Bookmark or save this link and come back soon.  If you want to reserve a copy (and receive email notification when it's available), send an email to "Author" followed by the at-symbol followed by and put "To Reserve a Copy of the Clinton Liebrary Book" in the subject line.




























